Artibrand worked with the Maid of the Loch team to create an interpretation plan to fit out the ship with panels, infographics, interactive model and quayside visitor experience.
The history of the ship is fascinating, where it was built in the Clyde, dismantled, transported by railway to Loch Lomond and rebuilt at the Slipway at Balloch. The ship was in service until 1981 when it was sadly left to deteriorate as Steamships became less popular with holiday makers. The ships Trust and directors are currently raising funds to unlock Heritage Lottery Funding so the process of renovation can return the Maid of the Loch to it’s original status and 1950’s cruising experience.
The interpretation plan looks into the history and heritage of ship building in the Clyde. We devised 3 themes to encompass the many areas of interest, and cater for a wide variety range of audience engagement, under the headings of people, technology and natural heritage.
Working with educational learning officers, a programme of tours, workshops and learning tools were included in the plan to engage schools, tying into the 3 themes.